International Tourism and Business Course (for international students only)国際観光(こくさいかんこう)ビジネス訪日科(ほうにちか)


Features of the main course

  • 留学生(りゅうがくせい)を対象(たいしょう)とし、
    Targeted at international students,We have established elective courses that you can study with Japanese students.
  • 母国(ぼこく)での観光業(かんこうぎょう)や訪日旅行客(ほうにちりょこうきゃく)の受(う)け入(い)れを目指(めざ)した学(まな)びを提供(ていきょう)。
    We provide learning aimed at the tourism industry in your home country and the acceptance of tourists visiting Japan.
  • 観光(かんこう)・接客(せっきゃく)・国際交流(こくさいこうりゅう)に必要(ひつよう)な知識(ちしき)やスキルを習得(しゅうとく)し、卒業後(そつぎょうご)すぐに活躍可能(かつやくかのう)な人材(じんざい)を育成(いくせい)。
    Students acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for tourism, customer service, and international exchange, and develop human resources who can play an active role immediately after graduation.
国際観光(こくさいかんこう)ビジネス訪日科(ほうにちか)の学生(がくせい)は留学生対象学科(りゅうがくせいたいしょうがっか)ですが、 選択科目(せんたくかもく)では日本人学生(にほんじんがくせい)と共(とも)に学(まな)ぶ授業(じゅぎょう)もあります。
Students in the International Tourism and Business Visit Department are targeted at international students, but they also have elective classes in which they study alongside Japanese students.
母国(ぼこく)からの訪日旅行客(ほうにちりょこうきゃく)の受(う)け入(い)れや、母国(ぼこく)で観光業(かんこうぎょう)を目指(めざ)す方(かた)のための 国際観光学科(こくさいかんこうがっか)です。
旅行会社(りょこうがいしゃ)やホテルなどツーリズム業界(ぎょうかい)への就職(しゅうしょく)も可能(かのう)です。 卒業後(そつぎょうご)、即戦力(そくせんりょく)として活躍(かつやく)するための知識(ちしき)と技能(ぎのう)を習得(しゅうとく)します。
This is an international tourism course for those who wish to receive tourists from their home country or work in the tourism industry in their home country. You can also find employment in the tourism industry, such as travel agencies and hotels. After graduation, students will acquire the knowledge and skills to be able to work immediately.

Learn the knowledge and skills necessary for tourism work.

Japan’s tourism geography, history, culture, etc.

Learn about the geographic characteristics, traditional culture and festivals of each region, and historical background of major tourist destinations in Japan. In particular, students will gain a deep understanding of the region’s unique cultural and tourist resources, and learn how to convey them in an attractive manner. You will hone your guidance and presentation skills for tourists visiting Japan, and acquire the ability to bring out the charm of the region.

Tourism practices such as sightseeing, travel, and accommodation

Learn the business knowledge and practical skills necessary to immediately work in the tourism industry. You will systematically understand specific tasks related to tourism, such as planning and selling travel products, operating accommodation facilities, and basic skills for tour guides. In addition, you will develop a wide range of practical skills, including service provision and complaint handling skills to help travelers enjoy sightseeing with peace of mind.

Social skills necessary for customer service.

We will hone your communication skills and hospitality spirit, which are important customer service skills in the tourism industry. In order to respond to travelers with various cultures and values, we focus on training on cross-cultural understanding, politeness of language, and the ability to respond flexibly according to the situation. In particular, we will learn about the consideration and hospitality that is unique to the tourism industry, and develop the ability to provide services that move visitors.

④ 資格取得対策(しかくしゅとくたいさく)や教養科目(きょうようかもく)
Qualification acquisition measures and liberal arts subjects

Through special lectures aimed at acquiring national qualifications such as the Domestic Travel Business Manager Examination, students will thoroughly learn the knowledge and preparation necessary for the examination. In addition, students will acquire basic knowledge in a wide range of fields, including economics, law, and environmental issues, as general education subjects necessary for the tourism industry. Through this, you will not only acquire specialized skills, but also the comprehensive capabilities needed to be active in the industry.

About the required language skills

We provide a well-balanced arrangement of classes for preparing for employment, such as specialized knowledge and qualification acquisition courses, business etiquette, and communication skills, to develop students who will be ready to work in the tourism industry.

Curriculum content


Official AcountSNSアカウント

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